Belly Fat Breakthrough

After searching on the internet for proven ways to lose belly fat, I have come across a former Army veteran’s secret to losing belly fat in just 31 days.

Former soldier, Vic Magary, reveals his techniques in losing fat, specifically from his belly, quickly and efficiently, without counting calories and dieting in his report The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure.

His report has received many success testimonials and is even endorsed by top weight loss surgeons.

It is perfect for both the beginner (if you have never tried to lose weight or just starting again) and advanced (if you are actively practicing an exercise and diet regime but not getting the results you want).

Vic has laid out a daily plan for each of the 31 days which are proven effective in melting away stubborn fat and shrink that persistent belly bulge.

The very same details in his report are the ones he uses to get his lean and healthy physique.

If you are frustrated with slow weight loss and stubborn belly fat, check out The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure and please post your success story in the comments section below!


Good luck!

Helpful Informer

What is the perfect waist size for me?

Your ideal waist size depends on two factors: height and age.

The Waist to Height ratio (WtHR)  is often considered a better determination of overall health than the Body Mass Index (BMI).  WtHR is calculated by dividing your waist size by your height.

In general, the ideal waist size for adult men and women of average height (5’2” – 5’7”) are as follows:

Males: 37” (94 cms) – 40” (102 cms)

Females: 32” (80 cms) – 35” (88 cms)

If you would like to calculate your Waist to Height ratio or your BMI, click here.

How to measure your waist manually:

Stand relaxed with your back straight. Do not suck your stomach in. With a measuring tape, measure around your waist, with the tape going across your belly button and around your torso. If you have a large belly and your belly button hangs lower, locate the top of your hipbone and measure across from there.

Most common mistake people make that keeps them from losing fat (YOU could be doing this too!)

The first thing that pops into people’s minds when weight loss is mentioned is dieting. Not just the simple concept of it, but the idea of limiting oneself or starvation. Many people believe that in order to effectively lose weight you have to eat almost nothing and so your body has no choice but to use up your stored fat.


By doing this, you are not only enabling your body to hold on to fat, but are also endangering yourself to a host of many possible physical illnesses!

In order to live, wake up, move, work, play, do chores, etc, your body needs energy. And energy needs fuel. Our main source of fuel comes from food.

Starving oneself depletes your body of many nutrients and vitamins it needs to do simple everyday tasks. You may find yourself getting weaker, lightheaded, dizzy and shaky. If left untreated, this can result in even more alarming symptoms: your blood sugar level could crash, your kidneys could fail and your heart could slow down.

One of the most important things you can do to help your body burn fat faster (and lose that belly in the process) is by EATING SMALL AMOUNTS OF FOOD MORE OFTEN.

Eat small, properly portioned meals every 2-3 hours. This will supply enough nutrition to your body and also helps signal your body into burning fat faster. By eating more often, you are telling your body that it needs to increase the rate it uses up energy because it is receiving more fuel.

But why didn’t your body do this in the first place? You may ask. How come when you were eating large amounts of food, your body wasn’t burning it faster?

Let me answer you in one word: RHYTHM

Your body is most healthy when it’s following a routine. Of course, do not forget the fact that you need to use up what energy you store in able to maintain a physically balanced body. If you used to eat large amounts of food regularly and hardly exercised, your body will store that unused energy into fat. Not finding a sense of balance when it comes to eating is one of the major reasons why people gain weight. They simply don’t use up enough of what they put in.

So train your body into following a rhythm of small portioned meals often throughout the day. Your body will get used to this routine and find the most efficient way to burn off extra fat.

REMEMBER: As always, consult your physician first before starting any diet regime.

Little things you can do everyday wherever you are that can help reduce belly fat

You don’t have to be in a gym or have equipment to exercise. You can perform these simple exercises wherever you are. Eventually, you’ll find that doing these little things everyday can make a lot of difference.

1.       Got stairs in your house? Instead of simply walking up and down stairs, do a brisk walk up and down a few times. You can also climb the stairs two steps at a time. Be careful not to trip.

2.       When driving somewhere, to the store or wherever, park quite a distance from the entrance and walk briskly or even run from your car to the building. Do the same on your way back to your car. If you are carrying big bag of groceries, even better. Do a brisk walk back to your car while holding your bags slightly away from your body.

3.       If you are at home just watching TV, get off the couch and do a quick running in place exercise for 1 minute. Once your heart is pumping, sit back down and relax. After a few minutes, do it again.

4.       Stuck in an office cubicle all day? During breaks, instead of talking the elevator, take the stairs. Walk briskly up and down. If you have a fellow worker having lunch with you, invite them to take the stairs with you and have a little race. You might want to bring runners with you to wear during off work hours.

5.       If the weather is fine, do a brisk walk instead of taking the bus. Or ride your bicycle. Of course, this is one of the most obvious ways of getting some exercise but also one of the most ignored.

6.       Got kids? Dance with them. Play some kids music cd or when their favourite show is playing music, dance with them. Try to work up a sweat. This is a good time to do intense cardio exercises because you will not only be entertaining the kids, you’re also encouraging them to be active as well.

7.       Have sex. This may sound hilarious, but intercourse is one of the best ways to get some exercise. Everything is getting a workout during sex – all your muscles contract and your heart rate goes up thus more oxygen flows through your body.

Most of these exercises don’t take too long to do but their impact adds up and very soon you will feel the difference they make.

Most effective exercises in eliminating belly fat

Contrary to normal belief, there is no such thing as spot reduction when it comes to exercising. The body simply does not work that way.

Sit ups and crunches will help with building up a beautiful six pack of abdominal muscle, but if that six pack is hidden underneath a layer of fat, then it is pointless. Your body needs to lose fat all over. The following exercises are found to be most effective in doing so.

Exercise in eliminating belly fat #1: Cardio/Aerobics

These are exercises that increase your oxygen consumption, therefore getting your heart rate up. If you feel your heart pumping, then you’re doing it right. Some common cardio exercises are running, bicycling, swimming and rock climbing.

Exercise in eliminating belly fat #2: Resistance/Strength Training

This is a form of exercise in which each effort is performed against a specific conflicting force generated by resistance. For example, lifting weights – the weights are resisting your action, therefore you are requiring effort against that action. Some common resistance/strength training exercises involve weight lifting, resistance bands, exercise machines and swimming equipment.

Exercise in eliminating belly fat #3: Suck your stomach in

Simply stand in place while sucking in your stomach for a few seconds. Another effective way to do this is to cough while sucking your stomach in, you will feel your abdominal muscles contract.

Remember: Before starting any exercise regime, always consult your physician first.

Fastest ways to lose belly fat blog

Welcome to Fastest Ways to lose belly fat

Eliminating belly fat is one of the biggest appearance issues in society today. People’s lives are getting busier and busier, so often, taking care of oneself becomes less of a priority.

What some people don’t realize is that having excess abdominal fat also puts you at risk for serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart attack and stroke.

This blog lays out different ways that can help get rid of that stubborn belly fat and keep it off for good.